NAMI Oklahoma

It is the mission of NAMI Oklahoma to improve the quality of life for children, adults and their families who are affected with a mental illness.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Go to the Polls on Tuesday, November 7!

Voters in Oklahoma have an important task ahead of them on Tuesday, November 7th. On this date, voters in our state (as well as other states across our country) will select our state and Congressional representatives. Each of us have opinions on who will best represent the interests of persons experiencing mental illness and there is likely a lot of disagreement among NAMI Oklahoma members on who is best for the job. That said, regardless who you vote for, the important thing is to vote! If you are unsure of your eligibility or don't know where your precinct is located, please contact your county election board ( A list of all candidates in Oklahoma standing in the general election is available at

Have a great Tuesday and DON"T FORGET TO VOTE!!!


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