NAMI Oklahoma

It is the mission of NAMI Oklahoma to improve the quality of life for children, adults and their families who are affected with a mental illness.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

CNN Feature Worth the Read

In our state, there has been much conversation about people with mental illness showing up behind bars with greater and greater frequency. Tragically, the story is the same in states across our country. In its "Behind the Scenes" series, CNN reporters do a commendable job of painting the story that plays out over and over again across our country. I encourage you to read the story and share your perspectives on how we can end this cycle in Oklahoma. Just add your comments to this blog and I'll review your opinions, suggestions and concerns.

While on the topic of the criminal justice system and people experiencing mental illness, don't forget that your participation is invited in the work of our state's Transformation effort. To learn more about this process, and how you can play a role, visit the Innovation Center's website.

I look forward to your comments. -- SLB